Out and about

Little Beach today. What an amazing location! To any photographers out there this is a must visit!  I am thinking of going back there next week for a sunset so if anyone is keen just drop me a line.  Check the gallery for more photos.  I am heading to Perth tomorrow but will manage to make it back to Albany for a week, next week.




The Day After

Had a wonderful time photographing a wedding in Denmark yesterday. The sky was vivid blue and the wedding was held at Ocean Beach. We went to about four different locations and the bridal party looked amazing.  Had good fun with a great bunch of people. Find something you enjoy and you never have to work a day in your life!

Website finished!

Well in just over two weeks I have managed to put together a fully interactive website, blog and wedding flash site.  Learnt how to program, use adobe flash and create links.

Please enjoy the new site. There are bound to be a few errors so please be forgiving because I’m new at this. I sick of sitting in front of a computer so I’m going out to take some photos!
