Glow Cloud

It’s bulbous lingering structure hovered precariously over the earth. It’s form rendering in my mind.

My imagination triggered the reforming cloud into various shapes.

The enigma started to dwindle in size, spreading out as the centred mass continued to grow. The forceful patterns of charcoal grey stirred in its inferno, edges trimmed with a golden glow. The cloud was rising.

A break of light streamed through the atmospheric grave into a tremendous glow. Rays of magically charged particles seemed to conquer the darkness as the golden light fell upon the wisps of air.

I sat in awe at nature’s wonder and thought we live in an amazing world.

sunlight hitting a cloud



Until next time – Happy Shooting


Can you think of a title for this photo?

As always this photo can be downloaded for free. Enjoy



Water at sunset

Until Next Time – Happy Shooting!



Sailing at sunset at the ocean

Light began to fall with a golden glow guiding the sailing boats along the choppy horizon.  I watched in wonder as the boats moved back and forward navigating the openness of the earth. Vessels shot along back and forth like children’s toys in a tub. The race had begun.

Looking into the scene I couldn’t help but feel small at the sight of the over-towering clouds as light filtered magically through them, adding a richness to the scene.




Until Next Time – Happy Shooting.

Portrait Photography in Fremantle

After work yesterday I ventured to the top of Monument Hill in Fremantle to take advantage of its towering presence over the suburbs. The clouds were out in full force bouncing some beautiful light and it was my goal to capture them for later Photoshop use.

The sun was setting and I had carded a few great shots when I noticed another photographer in the area photographing a beautiful model.

I approached them both and introduced myself.  I then asked if it would be okay to take a few photos, to which they replied no worries. My cloud photos could wait!

I found out the photographer and model had only been in Australia just over a month…when I asked them, are you enjoying living here? They both replied at the same time “its hot!”

Model photographed at sunset

model photographed at sunset

These photos were captured using the Canon EOS 1D MK IV and Sigma 120-300mm

Until Next Time – Happy Shooting

Be Creative and Capture The Details

Sometimes its best to look at the interesting parts of a scene. The end result won’t look like another boring sunset…… take this photo as an example.

Do you like this?

Over the next week I would like to challenge you in your photography. Try photographing the smaller details of a scene rather than the complete scene. Let me know what results you get by posting a link in the comments below.

South Beach

Captured using the Fujifilm X-Pro 1 and Fujinon 35mm f/1.4



The Afternoon Atmosphere at South Beach

South Beach, Western Australia

The afternoon atmosphere gathered with excitement.

A colourful mass brewed ignited by the last light.

Reflections turned to glass mirroring the magnificent spectacle happening above.

Children played by the water’s edge as a man tried his luck at the ocean bounty.

Mirages filled the drizzled horizon exposing ghost ships shimmering in the afternoon heat.

I saw the scene developing before me.

The movement of the water would have to be masterfully timed.

My hands griped the salty leather surrounding my X-Pro 1.

Powering up, the aperture ring clicked into its normal stop.

With camera rotated my eye became fixed to the viewfinder.

A short wait and the wave behaved the way I had envisioned.


Captured using the Fujifilm X-Pro 1 and Fujinon 35mm f/1.4.  Stitched in Photoshop.



Skoda Fabia Monte Carlo


After work earlier in the week I drove down to Safety Bay to photograph my Skoda Fabia Monte Carlo Limited Edition.

I’m not really a car sort of guy so don’t ask me what the specs are….put it this way I bought this car after watching a YouTube video. The guy at the dealership had the easiest sale ever!

Skoda 001


Photographed with the Canon EOS 1D MK IV

Styled and edited to the soundtrack of Chocolat

Until Next Time – Happy Shooting.

Sunset at Mosman Beach

People were out and about as the afternoon light fell upon the earth. I passed an energetic exerciser running on the beach as she was frantically being chased by a pack of wet dogs. The soggy reward of a tennis ball seemed to be enough to keep the dogs running up and down the beach. With dogs of all sizes running around me in every direction I had to be carefully carrying my camera as it might have been mistaken for a play thing. The dog owners seemed to sense my panic and the call of names filled the air. “Rex, Peach, Sacha, Lady – come here!”- “Lady come here!” With a delayed scurry, flicked sand filled the air and the disobedient dogs bolted in the direction of the newly found tennis ball.  The though of a being jumped on by a wet slobbery retriever was too much to bear so I set off from the pack to capture the sunset.

Crashing waves broke on me as I walked the shallow shores of Mosman Beach. I headed for the rocks toward the end of the beach and was met by a young family fishing the shores. Trying not to interfere with their recreational activity I dodged the lines and found myself at this scene. Clouds on the horizon hung full of colour. I found some jagged rocks to fill the foreground and flicked the camera on.  With the 18mm set on my Fujifilm X-Pro 1 I composed the image into three photographs as later I was going to stitch them together.

When I arrived home I got a little distracted from an immediate upload due to a tooth ache. After another journey to the chemist for some strong pain relief I find myself sitting here typing this story for you all and uploading the latest free photograph.

I hope you enjoy this image. I certainly enjoyed taking it.

Mosman Beach located near Fremantle



Photographed with the Fujifilm X-Pro 1 (3 image stitch)


The Last Swim

Rejoicing in the clear waters;

Flowing from every direction the moment filled the air.

The last swim.

The last swim at Port Beach, Fremantle


Photographed with the Fujifilm X-Pro 1

Until Next Time – Happy Shooting

South Beach, Fremantle

Australia is experiencing one of the biggest heat waves at the moment with temperatures in some parts of the country exceeding 50 degrees Celsius (122 Farenheit).

The car parks at my local beach, South Beach are filling up very quickly in the afternoon as workers and their families seek relief from heat of the day. As I only live less than a minute away from this beach its great to go down every now and then to cool off, get my feet wet and soak up the surroundings.

It’s not often I upload a photo straight to my blog without much post processing so consider this photo a rarity. I captured this photo with the Fujifilm X-Pro 1 which is probably why I didn’t need to do much to it. Clean and sharp. What more could you need?

South Beach, Fremantle, Western Australia


Reflections of the Sunset

Soft patterns of light danced on the lapping waves. A warm velvet glow caressed the ocean tide leaving brief mirrored pastels along the shoreline.

Clouds gathered and the instrumental orchestral sound of the ocean drew me ever closer to the water’s edge. My mind was resting and I didn’t want to leave.

The sky was forming a masterpiece a painter could only dream of. The intensity of coloured light grew as the sun fell off the horizon’s edge, disappearing to reveal its colourful trick.

Cold fresh crisp air filled my senses with the intense aroma of salt. I took a deep breath and began to relax from my busy day.

My gaze became fixed beyond the soothing waves lapping at my feet. Minuscule silhouettes seemed to float lost on the distant water’s edge. I wondered how long these tiny vessels would sail the ocean tide before they reached their final destination.

Their journey had only begun. For me the day was at an end, an end that seemed to form magically before me.

Reflections Of The Sunset


Image details:

Photographed with the Fujifilm X-Pro 1 – 35mm – ISO 200 – f/4 – 1/210 second – 9 images vertically stitched

Fujifilm Digital meet Kodak Film

Today I felt a bit of a creative spark after seeing some really amazing film images.

I wanted to take a photo on the Fujifilm X-Pro 1 and try to recreate the cross processed film look similar to what you see from a sprocket rocket camera (where the developed film includes the film sprockets) so I went to the beach after work to get the idea going.

Kodak Gold 400 Stressed Film

Kodak Gold 400 Stressed Film

Continue reading

Sunsets and Storms

Just a quick update.

I have been busy over the last few days photographing some amazing sunsets with the Fujifilm X-Pro 1. I have also been given the Tamron 24-70 f/2.8 VC II Lens (Canon Mount) to test out.
Today I captured some storm photos with the Tamron lens and in the next few weeks you should see a review on the blog.
Fujifilm are also sending me the Fujifilm X-E1 with 18-55mm to test out. I expect to see the camera in the next few weeks so stay tuned to the blog by subscribing.

Until Then – Hapoy Sooting!


Ethereal clouds at sunset

I am sitting on the porch waiting. The verandah is formed from rustic beams splintering in every direction. Carved jagged jarrah beams form a barrier of curved edges above me. The derelict concrete step seems comfortable compared to my surroundings.

There is no rain to be seen and the air is dry and still. Looking down at the barren earth beneath me the mixture of fine dust and coarse sand seems like turmeric blowing in the breeze; wasted without a recipe. I drag my finger in the red dirt and gaze up transfixed on the beautiful sunset over the distant horizon.

The richness of colour is mesmerising.

The seat beside me is vacant. My feet rest on the cracked concrete steps that have stood the test of time. My memories of the house I grew up in flood back to me as I shut my eyes. The sounds of laughter fill the air as children play in the heat of the day.

I can recall stumbling on each step as the heat of summer was upon me. Getting inside into the cool was high on my agenda so I would hurriedly try to hop, step and jump up the stairs onto the dusty veranda. Typically I would find myself tumbling and falling short of the distant door. Thud! I had landed face first on the verandah. The concrete stairs had seen a many-stubbed toe or two. It is only now after all my years of growth I can run a fleeting jump above the hazard that lay before me. Success!

My mind was reminiscing as the echo of ice, clinking in a cold glass filled my mind. The classic sound of my summer childhood. The sticky lemonade spilled from the edges of my mouth. A fulfilling grin appeared on my face. Chuckling, I was amused at how the small things in life somehow seemed to be the best memories.

For some reason I remember the house from my childhood as a windowless building.  I didn’t really take in my surroundings back then but now as I gaze into the broken window I noticed the reflection of a tall long limbed tree standing steadfast in the middle of the paddock. Memories flooded back. I remember hours would pass as I spent my childhood in that tree. My fort, cubby and swing all rolled into one. It was my place for exploring my imagination. So what happened to my imagination?  Where was it now?

What would it mean for me to get up and walk over to that special place? Would I feel the same youthful glee? Leaving the comfort of abandoned home the very place my mind I had grown accustom to? The familiarity of my house where I calved every wooden beam and known every step. How could I get up and walk to the tree that seemed to give youthful life in the barrenness that was my surrounds.

How could I see what my life could be when I hadn’t even leaved home? Would I be able to imagine again? Would I be able to imagine this? Is this even real?


Until Next Time – Happy Shooting!

Ibis Surrounds

Chaos surrounded me, the chorus of flapping was deafening. Each bird seemed to know the direction of the other as the flock took to wing. A moving dark cloud of beak, feet and squawks captivated me to hold the camera tightly and to compose this image.

I painted this photograph using Photoshop to portray a sense of scale. The movement of the birds frozen in time creates an awareness into how busy life can get. Slowing down our lives lets us look at scene in front of us.  “Beauty lies before us we just have to stop every now and then to see it.” – Leigh Diprose.

The plan now is to print this artwork onto canvas (as soon as my printer is fixed) and display it in the entry. This photograph means quite a bit to me. I hope you enjoy it to.

I’m interested – what do you feel when you see this image?

Until next time – Happy Shooting


Stirling Ranges

Free Fine Art Photography – April 2012 – Leighton Beach

April 2012 – Leighton

The latest FREE fine art photograph is ready to be downloaded.

(on the right hand side of the blog)

 All I ask in return is:


 Free Fine Art Photography April 2012 - Leighton Beach



If you like my photographs PLEASE Donate to Leigh Diprose Photography. Every dollar helps me provide quality photographs to you and the world.

You can find a Donate button just above where you downloaded this image from on my blog.

Keep smiling and THANK YOU so much for your support.


Leigh Diprose

Leighton Beach

Here is another photo taken on my trusty Velbon Sherpa Pro monopod at the recent photo shoot at Leighton Beach, Western Australia.


The View from Leighton Beach

The sunset was striking yesterday as I pointed my lens towards Rottnest Island, Western Australia. This photo was taken just as the sun disappeared over the horizon.

Leighton Beach

Went out to capture the sunset today with Jamie Paterson and Paul Pichugin.

This image was straight out of the camera with some sharpness added and a hint of saturation. Taken on my monopod for a total of 6 seconds. Impressive!

Until next time.

Happy Shooting.


Free Fine Art Photography – April 2012 – Southgate Dunes

April 2012 – Southgate

The latest FREE fine art photograph is ready to be downloaded.

(on the right hand side of the blog)

 All I ask in return is:



If you like my photographs PLEASE Donate to Leigh Diprose Photography. Every dollar helps me provide quality photographs to you and the world.

You can find a Donate button just above where you downloaded this image from on my blog.

Keep smiling and THANK YOU so much for your support.


Leigh Diprose

Sunrise and Sunset

Over the last few days I have been up quite early to see the sunrise over the hills. Both these images were shot using my Canon 85mm f1.2.

This first photo was taken just as the sun was rising. Perfect light!


From memory this photo was taken in the afternoon as a storm cloud went by. Reminds me of Lord of the Rings. What do you think?


I went out to Sharp Point near Albany to capture the sunset with Andrew Halsall, David Sobik and his mate Steven Hurley yesterday afternoon.

Albany was full of smoke from some very inconsiderate people burning off. Sort of spoiled the grand day Albany was having….

Having just got back to Perth in the wee hours of the morning….this was the result from yesterday afternoon.  Enjoy





This is another image I took when I went out for a sunset shoot near the Greenough River Mouth with Wade, Shawn, Mel & Zoe. To this day the smell of rotting seaweed still makes me want to be sick! I almost threw up when I stepped out of the car. With a blocked nose and on the verge of vommiting I managed to pull off this shot. It made it worth it!

I wanted to capture the movement of the water and the afterglow of the sunset. Pity there was no clouds that day.  I think I’m going to brave it again and get back out to this beautiful location.


Sydney Icon

Trying to take a different photo of a over-photographed object = difficult!

Let me know what you think of this photo. I’m not 100% sure I like it.

I’m still here too!

Wow! I’m still here too!

Thought I better post one up in between renovating the back yard, living it up in the Hunter Valley, portraits,  Fujifilm (taking most of my time these days) and the family!

Shot on the Canon EOS ID MK III somewhere in Geraldton….I forget where….Shawn where was it again that we went?