True North Workshop

Australia Day was a day to remember. You couldn’t have asked for a nicer venue – on the True North at Rottnest Island. The speakers were informative on their various styles of photography and gave away ground breaking secrets not to mention a ‘world first’ by Christian on how to copy and paste luminous filter layers (really it was ground breaking…I’m not kidding).

So here are a couple from the day. Make sure you vote for any of these images if any make the finals on Christian Fletcher’s Blog.

Happy Shooting…back to the wedding photography for me : )

Arum Lilly

Ah my old stomping ground – North Lake where the tiger snakes are as frequent as clouds in the sky.

North lake is adjacent to Bibra Lake in Western Australia. You will find these magnificent flowers in full bloom when the season is right. Some say Arums are weeds (well the are) but for me they are one of my favorite flowers to photograph. I remember wading out in swamp like conditions hoping not to run into a tiger snake to take this photo.


Free Flow

My two and a half month holiday is coming to an end. I have really enjoyed the break and I now have a new lease on life.

Whenever the camera is in my hand the excitement kicks in. I can’t wait to share whatever I photograph with you because some things in life are meant to be enjoyed…

Happy Shooting!

Leigh Diprose


This is how I feel at the moment. Moody! My flash is broken. I put it back together after it fell into the ocean and it seems that it has seen the light and kicked the bucket : (

Hope you like this photo it was actually a really clear blue day. I decided to go for the infrared look to bring out the white clouds.

Well its back to the house reno/wedding photography for me.

Happy Shooting

Looking forward to the True North on Australia Day!



I would like to thank everyone for there ongoing support for the website ( and blog. Since the start of December 2009 the website has had just over 20,000 hits from Australia, United States, Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Canada, Austria, United Kingdom and France to name a few.  So thank you for viewing and all your comments.

Having this blog has certainly pushed me to take better photos. It has been really great to see what other photographers are up to and through their photos I get a lot of inspiration.

So keep up the great work everyone.

Leigh Diprose

Smoke Photography

Well I know what you may be thinking….. that these images are from Denmark or something? A bit alternative?

Thats smoke photography for you! These were taken in my lounge room using a Canon 1D MKIII & 85mm f1.2, tripod,  Canon Macro Twin Light, Canon 430EX Flash and a reflector. The black backgound was my newly purchased Canon T shirt that Adam Halsall designed on Red Bubble (thanks Adam).

Let me know if you think that the title of the image should be any different. It’s almost like those magic eye things. Everyone sees something different in the image. Enjoy

Well its back to the wedding photography for me.

Until next time Happy Shooting.



I managed to get quite close to this osprey with 600mm of glass this morning. I think this osprey might be learning how to fish as it dived for fish about 10 times. Unfortunately it didn’t seem to catch anything.

After getting burnt to a crisp I thought I better head back inside to edit some wedding photos.

I’m heading out with David Sobik and Michael Lee in the afternoon to see if we can manage to put 600mm’s to use!

Until next time. Happy Shooting


Torndirrup National Park

What a day! Such unbelievable weather!

I was surprised to see such beautiful weather in Albany. I took a short trip out to Sharp Point located in the Torndirrup National Park, about half and hour out of Albany. The views were spectacular! The water just looked like something from another world. I have never seen it looking so blue. At a later stage I’ll post up a VR panoramic to show you where I was standing. I love my outdoor office!

Happy Shooting


Thought I would go through some photos and I found this one that I hadn’t touched since I was last here in Albany.

This shot was taken from my front door when we were living in Albany. Since then it has lost some branches because we had some horses in the paddock who rather liked it as a massage tree.

Beautiful day for a wedding in Albany. Will have the photos up in about three weeks so keep an eye out.


Video Tutorials

Well a couple of days ago I went out with Michael Lee and David Sobik to try and shoot some Black Shouldered Kites on the coast. It didn’t quite go to plan as we couldn’t find any.

In the end we just shot some bleak looking landscapes (love the Albany weather) and as requested I am currently recording a video tutorial on an image similar to Michael Lee’s photo “Lone Tree” on his blog. It should be finished and posted by sometime later today.

Happy Shooting

Splendid Fairy Wren

This is probably my favorite image at the moment. I just love that this little blue wren is having a stand off with the camera.

It was a really bright background so I was using spot metering to try and bring out the detail in the blue wren. I hope all you bloggers out there like this one! Enjoy


Middleton Beach

Yesterday I went down to Middleton Beach to create this 360 degree view. There was some salt in the air but it worked out alright.  To view Middleton Beach just click on picture below or click the link on the right hand side. It will take a little bit to load because I uploaded it has slightly higher quality.

I will post some video tutorials within the next week so keep a look out.

Happy Shooting.


Sometimes the little things can make great photos like this sea urchin I found lying on the beach. I would have been very happy if this was the only good photo I took away from a shoot.

Albany weather is so unpredictable.  It rained a little yesterday and today is a bit overcast. I hope it clears for a sunset!

Happy Shooting!

Hamelin Bay (from the other side)

Well I just had to take another photo in the same location!

In this image you can just see the hole in the limestone where the other Hamelin Bay image was taken (In the centre just to the left). This image was a total of 3 photographs stitched using PTGui.

I’m in Albany at the moment and planning to take some shots tomorrow arvo with David Sobik. If I get a chance I post them up tomorrow evening. You can check out his blog by clicking the link on the right hand side on the BLOG ROLL.


Vanessa and Shane

Thankyou to Shane and Vanessa for such a beautiful day. It was such a pleasure photographing your wedding day.

You couldn’t have asked for a nicer day to hold a wedding – the sky and ocean were a vibrant blue, the bridal party were amazing and the location was breathtaking!



This was quite a nice location for taking photos. I was keen to avoid the popular iconic image of pylons coming out of the water which every photographer seems to take when visiting Hamelin Bay. Who knows I might get sucked into peer pressure and take that photo one day.

I decided to avoid that area and keep moving. Just around the corner there are some amazing fragile limestone cliffs. My brain was thinking limestone = warming filter. For this shot I used a fisheye lens so I could capture the archway leading to the hidden beach. Thankfully someone  had walked along the beach before and a wave had come and washed the footprints away which created some beautiful leading lines. All I needed now was light!

The day was very overcast so I had to sit and wait for a break in the clouds. Eventually the break came after 20 minutes!

Hamelin Bay is a total of six images with an added warming filter.

Happy Shooting.


Splendid Fairy Wren

Well I have a tiny bit of time to post a photo in between renovating the kitchen, garage and landscaping the backyard!

Splendid Fairy Wrens would have to be one of my favorite birds. I just love watching them as each different little male and female has their own personality.

I will try to post up some more later in the week. Keep a look out.

Happy shooting everyone!