The Sunday Times – Whale Photo by Leigh Diprose Published




Published in The Sunday Times – Sunday, 29th June 2012

The article written by Emily Moulton on page 31 reads:

Power and the glory

THIS breathtaking shot of a female humpback having a whale of a time was taken off Albany.

The majestic creature entered King George Sound with her newborn calf a few weeks ago and was seen by whale watchers on board an Albany Ocean Adventures tour.

Fremantle photographer Leigh Diprose was one of those lucky passengers and captured this magical moment of the humpback breaching.

“It was on my bucket list,” Mr Diprose said. “The whale had a two-week-old calf with her and it was fantastic to have witnessed the calf trying to breach the water, then its mum came out of nowhere and started breaching. It was amazing.”

Paul Guest, from Albany Ocean Adventures, said the cow and calf stayed in King George Sound for about six days after this picture was taken – the first time a migrating humpback had done that in a long while.

“Normally they swim right on through,” he said. “It was a littleĀ unusual. You could also tell the calf was very young, less than two weeks old.

“Its dorsal fin was still bent over. It straightens up after 14 days.”

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Humpback Whale


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