A Moment I Had Longed To See

The charging bull elephant stampeded into the murky water, thrusting his long trunk high into the air.

The sound of splashing ringed in my ears. Blackened water erupted, upsetting the surface and its rival wake, each heaving step pounded in an effortless hustle.

My vision was drawn to the elephant’s emotive eye, its hazy reflection stared back at me, filling my finder.

I watched the backlight silhouette his age showing nothing but moving muscle and wrinkled hide.

His victory song could be heard for miles, the loud trumpeting signifying for his young family to follow.

Witnessing this experience was surely the heart of Africa. A moment I had longed to see.

African Elephant 011

Photographed in the Kruger National Park, South Africa



The Golden Elephant

Photographed in the Kruger National Park, South Africa

African Elephant

I really didn’t want to get any closer than this. This guy was huge!

Until Next Time – Happy Shooting

2013 Calendar African Wildlife Art


My African wildlife art can now hang on your wall every day of the year! If you are an African lover then this calendar is for you.

Calendars can be printed and delivered by Christmas if you get in early. To order and view the full 2013 Calendar “African Wildlife Art” simply click on the image below. Enjoy.

A photographic calendar of African Wildlife by Leigh Diprose

African Wildlife Calendar by Leigh Diprose


Painting Photoshop Style

Decided I would have some fun painting after a long night of editing weddings.
Here is the result. What do you think? Did I go too far?

African Elephant

What is with my mind only being creative at night???? It seems like I only post images late at night!

I searched my Elephant data base and found this image which was perfect for a bit of B&W and a touch of film grain.

My thoughts are the blacks in the image are a little bit too crushed but hey I kind of like that.

Thanks for taking the time to view my images.  I really enjoy your comments so keep them coming!
