The darkened dirty streets reflected a vibrant light. Zombie paced office workers left the crammed metropolis. The 9-5 shift was over, their shoulders bound by modern technology. For the what was the working day to them, just another job to be done or were they enslaved by their portable screens? Tomorrow they will find out as the cycle continues…


Written and edited on a my Google Nexus while travelling.

The Golden Elephant

Photographed in the Kruger National Park, South Africa

African Elephant

I really didn’t want to get any closer than this. This guy was huge!

Until Next Time – Happy Shooting

One Year Anniversary Google+ Photo Walk in Fremantle WA

What a successful event! I would personally like to thank all of the 25 or more photographers who made it to the One Year Anniversary Google+ Photo Walk which I hosted with Paul Pichugin in Fremantle, Western Australia.

I managed to meet more than 24 new faces and a few old mates as we casually strolled Fremantle Fishing Boat Harbour and the streets of Fremantle. Amazing we even met a few photographers along the way who had no idea about the event but still decided to join us for the entire walk and breakfast!

Hats off to Google for the amazing platform which enables photographers to connect and share photos anywhere.

Over the weekend I am looking forward to seeing some of the amazing photographs from the many talented photographers who came to the event. You will be able to see what happened at the event as Google recently released a new Events feature on Google+. Users were able to connect to the event live from their mobile devices by selecting a Party Mode which allowed uploads of photographs and video. To see the some photos and video go here.

If you missed out on the walk don’t worry. There will be another photo walk planned later in the year. At this stage the location will most likely be around the Perth Hills although this will be advised later on.

Here is a quick shot from a mobile (excuse the quality) of some of the photographers who stayed on for breakfast after the event.

Now I’m off to Albany to photograph some whales so I hope to see some photos later on tonight.

Until then.

Happy Shooting.

The Google+ One Year Anniversary Photowalk with Leigh Diprose and Paul Pichugin

Do you want to take photos like this?

Leigh Diprose and Paul Pichugin will be hosting the Google+ One Year Anniversary Photowalk here in Fremantle, Western Australia

A photowalk is basically a bunch of photographers meeting together to photograph an area. Photowalks are a great way to meet other like minded people who share the same passion of photography. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or a professional photographer – you are all welcome to come along. For me this is the perfect way to meet other local photographers!

If you are interested in coming along then feel free to join Paul and myself at this free event.  The details are listed below.

The Details:

When: Saturday, June 30, 2012, 7:00am (sharp)

Where: Fremantle Fishing Harbour

SIGN UP and register: CLICK HERE

The Event: Sunrise is at 7.17am. The main photography shoot will be around Fremantle Boat Harbour at sunrise followed by a walk into the City of Fremantle capturing some of the old buildings. We will then finish at 9am for breakfast at The Attic in Fremantle (Bannister Road, Fremantle) were we can sort through photos, mingle and enjoy great food and coffee.

Paid and Free Parking can be found around the city.  Also not listed on the map is a multi-story car park on Collie Street.

What to Bring – Camera and any photography equipment like memory cards, tripod, batteries etc…., money for breakfast (at The Attic) and a good pair of walking shoes.

For additional information on Fremantle’s Fishing Boat Harbour you can visit the following website –

If you have any questions please contact myself or Paul by posting a comment below this post.


Leigh Diprose

Painting Photoshop Style

Decided I would have some fun painting after a long night of editing weddings.
Here is the result. What do you think? Did I go too far?

Stephen Geppert – Amazing

Funny story actually….about seven weeks ago, as I was driving to Geraldton from Perth and about 200kms out of Perth, I saw this guy walking by the side of the road with two camels. I considered pulling over and taking a photo of the human caravan but alas as we all know photographers can be quite lazy so I ended up driving by and not thinking much of it at all….until last Thursday as I was driving from Port Hedland to Karratha I saw him again – seven weeks later! I decided it was time to put my portrait skills to good use.

I pulled over and introduced myself and asked if it would be alright to take a portrait. Stephen was more than happy to pose and even get on the camel for me.  Stephen Geppert explained that he is walking around Western Australia and the least I could do for the somewhat energetic traveler was take his photo for him.

From the research that I have conducted it seems that Brisbane born Geppert is planning to walk from Perth to Mitchell Falls at the top end of our massive state with two camels from Kalamunda Camels.  In the scorching heat of the Pilbara it seems that Stephen was in good spirts with his two companions, Wasim and Herman. He explained that one of the camels would normally be carrying the majority of his water (a total of about 238 litres) but he ran into trouble when the camel developed a saddle sore. As the dilemma unfolded he planned to have the camel’s saddle couriered from Karratha to Port Hedland to give the 20 year old beast a rest.

I am just amazed at what we can achieve if we can put our minds to it. Stephen seems to be the kind of guy who makes one believe that anything is possible. I only met him for about ten minutes but he certainly left an impression. His journey will take him through this great State of Western Australia where he is yet to experience the Tanami, Gibson, Great Victoria deserts followed by the Nullabor before continuing on back to Perth. I wish him all the best. I have sent this photo to him so he can treasure the memory forever.

African Elephant

What is with my mind only being creative at night???? It seems like I only post images late at night!

I searched my Elephant data base and found this image which was perfect for a bit of B&W and a touch of film grain.

My thoughts are the blacks in the image are a little bit too crushed but hey I kind of like that.

Thanks for taking the time to view my images.  I really enjoy your comments so keep them coming!